Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Random: Caption This.

Speaking of weird, I just ran across this picture.

Special present to the person with the best caption for it.

Keeping Austin Weird

Ahhh, Austin, TX. So cute. So quaint. So quirky. So... weird. I'm not passing judgement; I'm simply confirming their slogan. If you love beautiful cities with TONS of eccentric places to shop, eat and visit, then you'd enjoy Austin as much as I did.

Here's a little peak at what one of my favorite and best friends, Lola, and I did to keep Austin weird:

We got a chance to visit the Botanical Garden (which had no flowers). Regardless, it was still beautiful and we clearly had a great time.

Yes, we made shadow people and took pictures of them. :-)

Since it was Lola's boo-thang's birthday weekend, we also spent a lot of time with him and his beautiful sisters.

And we got to spend some quality time with a fabulous friend of ours, Paulina.

But the best part of the trip was all the time I got to hang out with mi amiga. :-)


Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Hi there! I'm so anxious to tell everyone what I've been doing these last two days. They've been such monumental ones for me. Sooooo, drumroll please:

1. I did yoga.
2. I highlighted my hair.

Ok. I admit, they might not seem that big of a deal, but they really are huge steps outside my comfort zone.

1: I NEVER exercise. Ever. I'm scared of moving too much, too often. I assume this fear developed freshman year in high school when I thought I broke my hip running 100 yards on the track. (Don't ask.) But now, I've decided to at least attempt to move around more often, and this, I think, is a good start to living a healthier lifestyle. Despite my sore arms and abs (ouch), just 1 day of yoga has made me way more conscious of my posture and breathing and being calm and whatnot. I think I may even go back tomorrow. Gold star for me.

2: I haven't colored my hair since college (2004/05) mostly because it was a semi traumatic experience. Yeah it was cute, but my hair was left sooooo damaged from it (and that horrid creamy crack relaxer). See?

Regardless, after very little contemplation, I went ahead, took a leap of faith and got it colored again. This time it's way more subtle and my hair is in better shape so it might actually be able to handle it. I took a chance, and I think it came out fab. Here's a little peak.

Ok. That's it for today. My next adventure is taking me to a quaint little city called Austin so stay tuned.

Namaste (and Downward Facing Dog because it's funny and dirty and innocent all at the same time),
China D.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A New Beginning

Well kiddies. I've decided to take French Kiss Muah in a new direction. No longer about relationships and whatnot (because that didn't work out well at all), FKM is now going to be all about loving life and doing what's necessary to be happy and fulfilled.

Which leads me to my (not so) big announcement: in exactly four days, I, China D. McGee, will officially begin my 31 day sabbatical. (Picture a humongous smiley face right here, right now.) Yes, that's right, I am off work for 31 full days. I'd like to thank my incredibly understanding job for letting me take the time off, and the incredibly understanding Lord for dropping the idea in my spirit because this break is much needed for my sanity. 

I invite any and everybody to follow me over the next 31 days and beyond. Each day of my sabbatical, I'll post something I learned or experienced. By the end of it, you, and I, will probably know China better than ever before. 

So the countdown begins. I can't wait to see where it ends.

Until March, XOXO
-China D.